Re: TI-H: Mac and Intel
Re: TI-H: Mac and Intel
Travis Brady wrote:
> Matthew Howard Fogle wrote:
> >
> > Sorry for those of you who are die hard Mac fans; in a recent meeting
> > with Intel; Apple did sign to agree that they want the new chipset that
> > will come out in 1999. This chipset has been announced for quite a
> > while; it is a joint project between Intel and HP to make a Dec Alpha
> > quality RISC chip (500mHz)... From what I read about this meeting; the
> > MacOS should become available for both platforms. I admit this might not
> > happen and much could happen in two years; however I think before you
> > jump down my throat you should make sure YOU know the facts as in this
> > case you did not... I recommend you look it up.
Simply not true there are rumors of this statement on many sites but if
this were true then why would IBM be Makine G4 and G5 chips? and why do
they plan to release a new chip that fixes that integer thing?
> Yup I have heard this too. I think its very disapointing that it will
> tak 2 years to clone DEC, and then dec will be up to 800mhz (scp)... you
> can load crays with 1000 - 600mhz processors, humm 600,000mhz that
> should burn up New York and create a hole in the earth.
And The G3's have been proven faster than a DEC 500Mhz
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