Re: TI-H: ADB Mouse
Re: TI-H: ADB Mouse
Matthew Howard Fogle wrote:
> Ok guys; lets not get into the MAC vs. PC war. It's over I hope you
> know. Both computers have won too! Apple will no longer use a Motorola
> chip; they will use Intel and run as either a PC and MAC. The MacOS is
> being ported to Intel; once this happens the new systems will come out;
> this is so that they too can use the RISC chips coming form HP and Intel
> in 1999. So lets not war; both sides won!
Apple will always use a Motorola and/or IBM Chip they have specs for two
more generations of PowerPCs in the works. THe MacOS is NOT being ported
the MacOS WAS ported as a test known as StarTrek and it worked beautufully
but Apple has no nor have they ever had lans to release this. Apple just
likes to prove they can do cool stuff. And Rhapsody will not Run MacOS apps
on intel hardware, this way Apple could stil sell their wonderfully fast
computers (PowerExpress 350 oooohhhhhh baby!!!)
And another thing the ADB Mouse COULD be emulated on the Calc but it will
be difficult and take much reading of Inside Macintosh, why not try the
Mouse that came with the 128k?(My calc has that much RAM COOL!!!!)
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