Re: TI-H: ADB Mouse


Re: TI-H: ADB Mouse

Rosyna wrote: crap and should be shot for thinking any of this
>  Matthew Howard Fogle wrote:
> > Ok guys; lets not get into the MAC vs. PC war. It's over I hope you
> > know. Both computers have won too! Apple will no longer use a Motorola
> > chip


; they will use Intel and run as either a PC and MAC.\

 The MacOS is
> > being ported to Intel; once this happens the new systems will come out;
> > this is so that they too can use the RISC chips coming form HP and Intel
> > in 1999. 

False Agin
> Apple will always use a Motorola and/or IBM Chip they have specs for two
> more generations of PowerPCs in the works. THe MacOS is NOT being ported
> the MacOS WAS ported as a test known as StarTrek and it worked beautufully
> but Apple has no  nor have they ever had lans to release this. Apple just
> likes to prove they can do cool stuff. And Rhapsody will not Run MacOS apps
> on intel hardware, this way Apple could stil sell their wonderfully fast
> computers (PowerExpress 350 oooohhhhhh baby!!!)
> And another thing the ADB Mouse COULD be emulated on the Calc but it will
> be difficult and take much reading of Inside Macintosh, why not try the
> Mouse that came with the 128k?(My calc has that much RAM COOL!!!!)
> ---
> I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to the
> developers for which it stands, one platform, under Guy, indestructible,
> with creativity and multimedia for all.
