TI-H: Mouse & system extensions


TI-H: Mouse & system extensions

>I don't know if he is technical minded, but he might have meant using 
>AVR or PIC chips in the process?
>>>same size of the screen plugged into the link port so that when the
>>>program reads in the voltage from the touch-screen the program can 
>>How exactly are you planning on reading the voltage from the link 

Every one is talking about touch pads and mice, and how it is going to 
be so slow and stuff, but what about connecting an ALPS Glidepoint 
trackpad to the graphlink or even make an AVR or PIC to control it. With 
the Microcontroler setup, you could have it simply recognize the serial 
mouse and those who have space for a mouse or trackball could plug that 
in. the ALPS Glidepoint for the Macintosh has a hardware mouse emulator 
that allows it to run with NO DRIVER. If the PC version is the same then 
it would simply emulate the standard Serial mouse. It is also 
configurable, so it could be a nice addition to the TI-Hardware 
colection. Who cares if it is slow. Programs only need to read it when 
it needs input from it. If connected through a Microcontroler, it could 
handle all the slow stuff and send out a pair of x,y coordinates at the 
calcs request. The AVR would act like Macintosh mouse. The driver is in 
ROM, and reads the mouse in it's spare proccessor cycles. It then places 
it to a memort location that the "ROM toolbox" or the OS acceses. This 
makes all programs simply read two coordinates when they request it 
rather than call the driver to start processing it. It isn't Identical, 
but the idea of using spare cycles and hardware drivers is a good idea. 
It means that all the calc needs to do is call the Microcontroller and 
ask for the latest data stored to a particular memory location.

Another thing I was curious about was new multitasking OS's for various 
calcs. I've read about some, but what if you could create a type of 
system extention or driver that would remain active even after you quit 
the shell. It would run in the background and add various features to 
say, TI-BASIC, such as adding commands. I think adding link control 
commands, simple, 1-bit sound commands, and MOST OF ALL, the PEEK and 
POKE comands from real BASIC. If TI-BASIC had PEEK and POKE, you could 
use TI-BASIC to dirrectly control the link port, screen, access memory, 
and lots of other cool stuff. You could even run assembly routines by 
accessing them from BASIC. Is this in any way or form possible. I assume 
it is, but I just don't know how difficult it would be. 

If this was implimented, would it be possible to impliment librarys that 
would contain the code to send and recieve I2C and Expander protocol. 
such devices could then be used by BASIC!

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