Re: TI-H: Analog questions
Re: TI-H: Analog questions
Thanksfor the help, thechips are the CMOS HCT series you can buy from the Rat
The bounce might actually help, you see, its for a simple learner's robot that
turns whenever it bumps into an object. So the added turn could be helpful :)
to clearify, f those who didn't understand the question I asked,
"Does Low mean .3 volts or 0 volts?" Luckily, soon as I e-mailed this out, I
looked under my bed and what did I find but my "Getting started with
electronics: by Forrest Mims %-)
Jan Zumwalt, Engineer: Computer Information Systems wrote:
> Most chips use TTL logic which means a zero is .3 volts or lower and a one
> is about 3.5 or higher.
> I forgot the exact voltages. The biggest problem with contact switches is
> what is called switch "bounce".
> Just before, or right after contact is made, electricity arcs across and
> cause several apparent
> "switches". As many as 20-30 arcs may ocure, though 5-7 is more common. So
> extra circutry known
> as "de-bouncing" is needed. thats about all that is needed to conect to
> logic chips.
> I suggest you buy "Electronics Now" or "Nuts and Volts" for good examples
> for experimenters.
> >
> >I'm new to electronics and have a question:
> >
> >I have some contact sensors that I want to use in a project (came from a
> >Nintendo Zapper gun). Can they be used in conjuction with analog and
> digital
> >ICs? What do they register in their open state as, L or H ?
> >--
> >Michael McCann
> >
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