Re: TI-H: Analog questions
Re: TI-H: Analog questions
Most chips use TTL logic which means a zero is .3 volts or lower and a one
is about 3.5 or higher.
I forgot the exact voltages. The biggest problem with contact switches is
what is called switch "bounce".
Just before, or right after contact is made, electricity arcs across and
cause several apparent
"switches". As many as 20-30 arcs may ocure, though 5-7 is more common. So
extra circutry known
as "de-bouncing" is needed. thats about all that is needed to conect to
logic chips.
I suggest you buy "Electronics Now" or "Nuts and Volts" for good examples
for experimenters.
>I'm new to electronics and have a question:
>I have some contact sensors that I want to use in a project (came from a
>Nintendo Zapper gun). Can they be used in conjuction with analog and
>ICs? What do they register in their open state as, L or H ?
>Michael McCann
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