Re: TI-H: Need help with 8-bit sound software/MODEM IDEA!!!


Re: TI-H: Need help with 8-bit sound software/MODEM IDEA!!!

Richard Piotter wrote:

> Another idea is an acoustic modem. It would be slow, but you could
> possibly transmit at nearly 5Kbits per second (maybe) by transmitting
> data converted to sound. You would have to add an ADC to the circuit and
> alternate them or something, but at least you're transmitting analog
> sound rather than stuck with useles digital data. Besides, what game
> will need more than 625 bytes per second? You could plug a device into
> the phone or use an electromagnetic pickup so the sound doesn't get
> interference. you would dial the number and wait for the other pesom to
> pick up and attach the calcs. Start sending data and you're ready. What
> about that AND, OR, XOR stuff. Would it be possible to use those to join
> a digital signal with a carier sine wave. It would all be done with
> software, but software emulation may someday lead to a suggestion for a
> hardware solution???

That's definitely out of the question, remember, the TI has only a RC
clock. It can't produce an exact frequency, the result vill vary in
different TI's with different battery voltages and different

It Microwire seems too hard, why not go for I2C? Okay, as far as I know
Philips doesn't give out free samples for the PCF8574, but otherwise it
could be used, with a bunch of resistors or maybe a real 8-bit DAC, as a
sound device. If a serial DAC with a 2-wire interface exists then fine,
but otherwise we should go for I2C. After all, you can have many I2C
devices connected at the same time.

A note about digitized sounds: It's not very easy to use digitized
sounds, even if they were stored on an Expander, because you need to
have both the sound device and the Expander plugged in simultaneously.


*** Osma Suominen *** ***
