TI-H: Multimaster I2C routines v0.95 released!
TI-H: Multimaster I2C routines v0.95 released!
As I told you a few days ago, I finally got my I2C Multimaster routines
working, and now I've got them in so good shape that I decided it was
time to release them. They can be found at:
If you don't know what this all is about, check:
It should give you at least some kind of explanation.
So now, everyone with good programming skills (are there any such
persons on this list? <grin>), start writing network applications...
I'll probably start writing a chat program some day, if I've got time.
The routines should be perfect for games, but I can't write games, so
it's be great if somebody else would write some multiplayer games.
Comments are welcome, but please read the readme.txt before asking
questions, especially if you think they're elementary...
*** Osma Suominen *** ozone@clinet.fi *** http://www.clinet.fi/~ozone