Re: TI-H: home maid link
At 11:32 PM 11/14/96 +0000, you wrote:
>It does matter! Just tell him to use parerclips to touch the end of the
>TI to TI link cord.
>At 05:08 AM 11/13/96 +0000, you wrote:
>> My friend is having a fit because he can't find a 3.5mm plug that is
>>not tapered at the end like a headphone plug is. Will someone who has made
>>a home maid link mail him at and tell him that it dosn't
>>mater if the plug is tapered or not, i would appriciate it.
>> Joshua Aune
No, it doesn't matter. I've built a link using a tapered plug, and it works
great. Also, the newer TI-85s come with a link cable with tapered plugs,
and it works fine with the older calcs that came with non-tapered link cable
James Sulak
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teetering on the brink of the unknowable, and trying to understand what
can't be understood. It's what makes us men." -- Isaac Asimov