Re: TI-H: fargo fterm
Re: TI-H: fargo fterm
On Thu, 14 Nov 1996, David Lee wrote:
> does anyone know if fterm is a rs232 emulator or is it just a ti thing??
> also if it is a rs232 emulator which one its the rts the red or white? I
> have a 2400 baud modem that came from a portable so its nice and small...
> (needs power supply) but i want to try and hook that up.. (if fterm dosent
> have rs232 emulation has someone made a program that does? if so could they
> send it to me?)
Fterm does *NOT* emulate RS232 with the link port. Fterm simply sends and
recieves raw bytes from the link port. It is possible to hook the TI-92 to
RS232 devices by using the TI GRAPH-LINK cable. This is the ~$50 grey
cable with a large hood at the DB-25 connector. In this hood are
complicated microelectronics which convert the TI's strange asynchronous
protocol to standard RS232.
Connecting the TI-92 to a modem requires the TI GRAPH-LINK, a null-modem
cable, and the appropriate gender changers. I personally use my TI-92 as a
serial terminal on my home UNIX box - it simply connects to a serial port
set to 9600 baud, no parity, 8 bits.
Oh, and FTerm does not, repeat, DOES NOT provide VT100 emulation. It
simply acts as a "dumb" terminal. In fact, it is possible to use Talk85 on
the TI-85 as a terminal program in the same way as fterm on the TI-92.
Isaac Salpeter
the project