Re: TI-H: fargo fterm
At 06:59 PM 11/14/96 -0600, you wrote:
>does anyone know if fterm is a rs232 emulator or is it just a ti thing??
>also if it is a rs232 emulator which one its the rts the red or white? I
>have a 2400 baud modem that came from a portable so its nice and small...
>(needs power supply) but i want to try and hook that up.. (if fterm dosent
>have rs232 emulation has someone made a program that does? if so could they
>send it to me?)
>thanks for any info
> David Lee
I was under the impression that in order to hook up to a modem not only do
you need Rx and Tx, but you also needed RTS ( Request to Send ), CTS ( Clear
to Send ) , DTR ( Data Terminal Ready ), and DCD ( Data Carrier Detect ).
I'm not sure if these signals are vital to the interface, or if they can be
tied active.
Bill Stysiack