Re: TI-H: Eric Barker
> Wait a minute. You are doing the same thing you accuse Eric of
> doing. Someone else (I don't remember who) created the original
> RTLink, and although it was apparently a hoax, that is the source of
> this thread, or maybe from something before that. But I'm pretty
> sure that you didn't create the RTLink, and didn't inspire the
> RTLink, so it isn't really your idea either. How about this: NO ONE
> takes control of, or credit for, the RF link. It is a team effort.
Travis never knew about the RTLink, and never saw it discussed on here
before, he's new here.
Travis shouldn't have to patent this damned thing just so that someone
else doesn't try to steal his idea, and get working prototype plans out
before he can. He wants to do it, he wants help, and he wants to take
his credit, and share it with any sort of developement team that helps.