Re: TI-H: Eric Barker
Robin, Jim, & Eric Barker wrote:
> travisp wrote:
> >
> > Does this Eric Barker guy annoy any of you besides me? Always trying to
> > rake control. Always asking stupid questions. (Yes, There is such thing as
> > a stupid question) If you're completely uninformed, SHUT UP. Don't assume,
> > eric, that because you've read a hundred meaasges on an RF link that you
> > can go and take control. Shut up.
> >
> > Sorry, I get pissed off when people take my idea and twist it into being
> > their own! and that goes for everyone!!!
> Ok, Travis, now I'm really pissed! You have writen 3 messages today
> bashing me with the same crap and 1 message to another guy. This is the
> reason why I wrote that message in the first place. Some people spend
> most of their usefull time bashing other people. This is not a
> popularity contest, or a test to see who's smarter. I just wanted to
> get down a list of things that we need to think about for the RF link.
WE need to think about for the RF link??
Who's WE?
Last time I checked, YOU weren't working on this project, just trying to
moderate for it.
I you have suggestions, don't say, WE need to do it it this way, say
"things that would be useful to this project....", or "another way of
doing this..", or "I don't think thats viable, beacuse..."(Back up what
you have to say, instead of saying "that IR thing was a bad Idea"
without any support), or "My dearest beloved Travis, and other people
who are working on the RF project..."
(OK, that last one was just for fun...)