TI-H: Radio Schematic Is POSTED!


TI-H: Radio Schematic Is POSTED!

   Ok, the radio schematic that I promised you is finally posted.  Pleas
read the README file as the schematic will make more sense if you do.  You
can download either GIF or JPEG, and seing as how these image formats are
already compressed, I didn't zip them.  If you have trouble with these
files, let me know, I'll work arround it.  Please forgive any spelling
errors in the readme file, I therw it together as fast as I could at
Midnight.  The address is anonymous ftp to
"ftp.connix.com/pub/users/l/lordvadr/radio/".  Have fun, and enjoy.  I
might add that the suggestions in the readme file are simply ideas that I
put together on my limited knowledge of radio circiuts, please email me of
any corrections as soon as possible so that I may correct them.  Thanks a


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