TI-H: Flames Etc...
TI-H: Flames Etc...
I've been following the this list for a few weeks, posted somewhat
frequently, and it's been fun! But lately, I've noticed quite a few
flames being posted. Especially between Eric Barker and travisp. Last
time I checked, this list was for discussion of TI hardware, not for
flames. Please take them to private e-mail. I'm sure I'm not the only
person on this list who feels this way. I started out seeing lots of
interesting posts about backlighting, the IR and RF links, etc... But
now, it seems like people are arguing over whose *ideas* are whose,
people trying to halt chat on some topics, for no reason I can see.
You could call this list a *group*. A an effective group should work
together, not argue about whose ideas things were. Those things are
for private e-mail, or just don't worry about it. If you posted it, it
becomes the group's material to discuss. I'm not saying that it's
public domain, but you must expect discussion different from what you
had wanted. Please people, lets refrain from public flames, and lets
go out and make some cool stuff for our calculators.
Tim Gerla | timg@climax.polaristel.net
Tyball@irc | www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/1691