Re: TI-H: Just a small thought


Re: TI-H: Just a small thought

Take what link apart? The TI->TI link? Her it is....

               Link Plug             
Red---------    |  | Tip  
White-------    |__| Middle
                |  |
Ground------    |__| Ring


At 03:25 PM 11/6/96 +0000, you wrote:
>	I was just thinking that in the link cable, since there are three
>wires (red, white, ground) that maybe there is only one-way communication
>on the red and white wires.  The send pin of one end would connect with the
>recieve pin on the other and the send pin on that end connects with the
>recieve pin on the first end.  If so, this would ease communication with a
>wireless link considerably.  I may try to take a link apart and see if this
>is the case.  If somebody else would like to try this as well, post the
>results of your test.  I'm not sure if this message is too understandable
>in what I'm trying to say.  If not, let me know and I'll try to clarify.
>*                                                         __            *
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>*                                                   / /_/____\ \ \      *
>*             Pablo XXX                            /_/________\_\/\     *
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>*                                                                       *
