[TIB] Re: Help with calc!!!
[TIB] Re: Help with calc!!!
umm, hit the eply button, type msg then hit send
----- Original Message -----
From: "Travis Evans" <travisevans@cox.net>
To: <ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2002 6:01 PM
Subject: [TIB] Re: Help with calc!!!
> Yeah, and I don't think the other TI-8x calcs have problems with low
> batteries while linking.
> As far as I can remember, it wasn't a problem on, say, the TI-86
> unfortunately, I
> must have worn out the link port after four years because nowadays the
> barely stays in the
> jack even when I press hard and I often have to mess with the cable for a
> long time to get it to
> work. :( But my other calcs work fine with it.).
> BTW, sorry if this might be a dumb question but I've never been able to
> quite figure out how
> the mailing lists work, but... how do I get a reply to post under a
> Every time I try to
> make a response Listar thinks I'm starting a new topic. I've noticed that
> long as these
> lists have been around this has always happened often when certain people
> would post, but no
> one has ever asked about it that I've seen. And I couldn't find it
> on ticalc.org's mailing list
> section. Thanks in advance if anyone can answer my question.
> Later,
> --Travis
> <<Intesting... On the 83+ you only lose the abbility to transmitt Flash
> Apps.
> I also heard that the 68k link ports are very battery consuming.>>