[TIB] Re: Help with calc!!!
[TIB] Re: Help with calc!!!
Yeah, and I don't think the other TI-8x calcs have problems with low
batteries while linking.
As far as I can remember, it wasn't a problem on, say, the TI-86 (although,
unfortunately, I
must have worn out the link port after four years because nowadays the cable
barely stays in the
jack even when I press hard and I often have to mess with the cable for a
long time to get it to
work. :( But my other calcs work fine with it.).
BTW, sorry if this might be a dumb question but I've never been able to
quite figure out how
the mailing lists work, but... how do I get a reply to post under a thread?
Every time I try to
make a response Listar thinks I'm starting a new topic. I've noticed that as
long as these
lists have been around this has always happened often when certain people
would post, but no
one has ever asked about it that I've seen. And I couldn't find it explained
on ticalc.org's mailing list
section. Thanks in advance if anyone can answer my question.
<<Intesting... On the 83+ you only lose the abbility to transmitt Flash
I also heard that the 68k link ports are very battery consuming.>>