Re: TIB: A suggestion
Re: TIB: A suggestion
We hear ya, and I agree.
--- "Slim W. Skawalker" <>
> <<Please let me know if you think what I say is too
> harsh or abrasive and I will gladly tone down my
> language>>
> I've noticed something here. A lot of the problems
> that people ask about on this list are problems that
> they could _easily_ solve themselves if they would
> just READ THE F***ING MANUAL!!! This mailing list
> group should be for intermedate-advanced programmers
> to discuss creative and complex solutions to
> programming problems and for us advanced people to
> help newbies understand concepts and instructions
> that they don't get even _after_ they've read what's
> in the manual. Most (all?) TI manuals have an index
> in the back that categorizes the instructions by use
> (all the mathematics instructions are listed
> together, all the vector commands are listed
> together) so you can find what kind of function
> you're looking for, then it tells you all the page
> numbers so you can find an explanation of each item
> in the Functions and Instructions appendix. Don't
> come asking the group if you haven't even checked
> this section of the manual yet. For example, the
> person who asked about searching a string on the
> TI-89 could have easily solved his own problem by
> opening up his manual, going to the listing of all
> the string commands, and investigating them all in
> the Functions and Instructions reference until he
> found what he was looking for. He could've done this
> in 15 min. or less by himself and been further along
> with whatever program he's working on right now. If
> you've read the manual and you still don't
> understand something or you still can't find what
> you're looking for, THEN send out an e-mail asking
> for help (and PLEASE indicate that you have tried
> the manual so jerks like me don't get pissed off at
> you again. Not that I'm pissed off at the person who
> asked about searching a string, or anybody for that
> matter...I'm sure you're all very wonderful people.
> It's just the principle of the thing that annoys
> <<Once again, please let me know if you think what I
> say is too harsh or abrasive and I will gladly tone
> down my language. Seriously, the last thing I want
> to do is offend anybody -- it just bugs me when
> people don't even _try_ to solve their own problems
> before they go to someone else (which is fine when
> emotional issues are involved -- it's better then to
> talk to somebody -- but c'mon people, we're talking
> about programming!), especially when it would be
> very easy to do so!!!>>
> --Chris
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