TIB: A suggestion
TIB: A suggestion
<<Please let me know if you think what I say is too
harsh or abrasive and I will gladly tone down my language>>
I've noticed something here. A lot of the problems that people
ask about on this list are problems that they could _easily_ solve themselves if
they would just READ THE F***ING MANUAL!!! This mailing list group should be for
intermedate-advanced programmers to discuss creative and complex solutions to
programming problems and for us advanced people to help newbies understand
concepts and instructions that they don't get even _after_ they've read what's
in the manual. Most (all?) TI manuals have an index in the back that categorizes
the instructions by use (all the mathematics instructions are listed
together, all the vector commands are listed together) so you can find what kind
of function you're looking for, then it tells you all the page numbers so you
can find an explanation of each item in the Functions and Instructions appendix.
Don't come asking the group if you haven't even checked this section of the
manual yet. For example, the person who asked about searching a string on the
TI-89 could have easily solved his own problem by opening up his manual, going
to the listing of all the string commands, and investigating them all in the
Functions and Instructions reference until he found what he was looking
for. He could've done this in 15 min. or less by himself and been further along
with whatever program he's working on right now. If you've read the manual and
you still don't understand something or you still can't find what you're looking
for, THEN send out an e-mail asking for help (and PLEASE indicate that you have
tried the manual so jerks like me don't get pissed off at you again. Not that
I'm pissed off at the person who asked about searching a string, or anybody for
that matter...I'm sure you're all very wonderful people. It's just the principle
of the thing that annoys me.). THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
<<Once again, please let me know if you
think what I say is too harsh or abrasive and I will gladly tone down my
language. Seriously, the last thing I want to do is offend anybody -- it just
bugs me when people don't even _try_ to solve their own problems before they go
to someone else (which is fine when emotional issues are involved -- it's better
then to talk to somebody -- but c'mon people, we're talking about programming!),
especially when it would be very easy to do so!!!>>