Re: TIB: Hunger Level


Re: TIB: Hunger Level

H+1->H<H=hunger varible>
every 3 hours
ad 1 to hunger lvl. 
keep the 3 hour stat seperate and count it when you count an hour.

At 02:26 PM 5/5/00 EDT, you wrote:
>I'm currently making an awesome RPG for the 83+ (and only the 83+).  I've 
>added "hunger" to the stats, but can't think of a way to make it so you get 
>hungrier as time passes.  I've got "hours" as another stat thing, it's 
>already functioning perfectly.  The hours go down as you move from place to 
>place (you have three years to live, 26280 hours).  By the way, this RPG is 
>completely text-based, so the entire game is mostly made up of text, menus, 
>variables, and Boolean logic.  I've already got it so eating something make 
>the hunger level go down, but there's nothing to make it go back up!  The 
>main problem is all the pauses for the text, you can't do any big loops.  If 
>someone could figure out how to do this, I would most appreciate it.
Programmers don't die-they just GOSUB without RETURN
