TIB: Whoops, heheh.


TIB: Whoops, heheh.

While you were all scratching your heads, I figured out the solution to the 
problem myself.  I guess I should've spent more time thinking about it before 
asking all of you.

Anyway, is there anyone out there who would like a text RPG?  With no 
killing?  Because that's what I'm making.  It's realistic, like real life.  
Some might say: "how is that interesting?"  Very interesting, in fact.  The 
Scenario is that you (the player) has a strange and deadly disease (which I 
am thinking about just changing to AIDS).  You begin to wonder about 
mortality (after all, now you know you have a limited time to live).  What 
will happen when you die?  In this way, you are driven to the point where you 
must know the truth.  And so it begins...


Some of you know where this will lead to.

Anyway, I'd like to hear all your opinions.

~Caleb  †
