Re: TIB: Artificial Intelligence


Re: TIB: Artificial Intelligence

That is one thing to consider.  I don't think it would work very well in the 
mainstream of the game, because there are simply so many combinations and 
positions possible in chess, but I have thought about doing something similar 
to that in the opening of the game.  The AI could be programmed so that it 
tends to follow opening variations that it has played many times before, in 
effect "learning" the opening similar to the way a human player would.  Also, 
something that would be good to do after the basic engine is working would be 
to put in an option that allows you to customize the "personality" of the AI, 
changing the values that it gives to certain things.  For instance, you could 
tailor the AI to be a more positional player by giving more emphasis on 
things like control of the center, or a more tactical player by putting more 
value on piece-based things.  In any case, that will be something to add 
_after_ the basic engine is working.

Eric Tollefson