Re: TIB: Artificial Intelligence
Re: TIB: Artificial Intelligence
Well i didnt originally write the post, but ill throw in my two cents anywho.
You can make computers "learn" basically by determining which moves cause it to win aginst you and which cause it to loose. Now obviously if it did the same moves everytime you would beat the crap out of it after the second game. So, what you do is after the computer has lost or one you create a list or string (or anything permanent) and add a plus value to the segment which represents that move so you are actually weighting the moves. Then you combine this with the standard AI that runs, and your computer will eventually "learn" your playing style. And if youve done a good job developing your AI and weight system your computer should be kicking the crap out of you. But there is a drawback to this type of intelligence. It is specifically tailored to one person, so if a person with a more aggressive or just different style comes along and plays the game he/she will think the game is too easy. However you can create individual profiles for seperate users that way the co!
mputer will grow with your ability/ changes in style so as you get better the computer will too. So you can sort of creat an infinite game.... It's cool, but it can get HUGELY complex before you know it so be prepared.