Re: TIB: help with Extreemly basic AI...


Re: TIB: help with Extreemly basic AI...

One of the best ways to get rid of labels is to
separate the program into several parts. do that, and
keep the labels down.

--- wrote:
>     Hmm.... A LOT of Lbl's... it a little
> convoluted, and its difficult to 
> determine exactly whats wrong without being able to
> run the program and see 
> what happens.  But you said that it would "just kill
> itself"?  Thats sounds 
> like an "End" problem to me check all of your If
> Then statements and be sure 
> that you have the right number of End's for them and
> you While statements 
> too.  Have too few or too many End's in a program
> has caused me a lot of 
> aggervation and there hard to find.  Here's a
> Debugging hint, put a Pause 
> command at every new step in your program so that
> you can stop the execution 
> of the code and see where your program has made it
> to then you can determine 
> where its going nuts.  As for optimization.. GET RID
> Labels are sloooooow and can cause for some
> confusion at times, you might 
> want to reorganize your game so that it is
> essentially a giant algorithm.(if 
> you dont know what it is ask cause i didnt know for
> a while)  That will make 
> your Game MUCH faster.  Well thats about all unless
> you have any questions on 
> what ive said.
>     ~Eric

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