Re: TIB: help needed with multiplayer BASIC game for 83+


Re: TIB: help needed with multiplayer BASIC game for 83+

:goto hardware
:goto overclocking
:goto 82/83
just check it out!
--- wrote:
> Sorry. Though it sounds interesting, i don' think my
> firends would appreciate 
> me invalidating THEIR warranties. Thanks for the
> suggestion, though
> >I think the Getcalc statements are too slow, even
> >though they're running through a 30 kbps link port.
> >The calc's just too slow to do that fast, and the
> only
> >solution I can think of would invalidate your
> >warranty.
> >IF you want to know it, it's nothing more than
> >Overclocking both calculators.

Whatever really happens when worlds collide
Now this is what its like
Whatever happens when worlds collide
Now this is what its like

-When Worlds COlide (Powerman 5000)
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