Re: TIB: Invalid instruction?


Re: TIB: Invalid instruction?

Nope, the line(x1,y1,x2,y2,0) command really doesn't work. On the
TI-86 you can type in the letters for a command because they are
tokenized before running. The first time you run the prog after
editing, the calc turns the letters into tokens. On the 82, for
example, "line(" is a token already, that's why you can't type in the

Philipp Keller

----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas J. Hruska <>
To: <>
Sent: 08 May 1999 11:14
Subject: Re: TIB: Invalid instruction?

> At 09:48 AM 5/6/99 EDT, you wrote:
> >I have a TI-86 calculator - v 1.3.  An instruction to erase lines
is in the
> >user manual.
> >
> >To enter a line, one might type: line(3,12,15,12)
> >To erase a line, you're supposed to be able to put:
> >((The zero is there to tell the calc to erase the line.))
> >
> >I cannot get this function to work.  Could it be my calc, or is
this feature
> >only on a different version, maybe?
> >
> >Believe me, I typed it in correct to begin with (about a dozen
> >
> >I'd appreciate it if someone could shed some light on this.
> >
> >-Echo
> I do believe you are doing what many people do...they type the
> l-i-n-e instead of doing something like [2nd] -> [Draw] -> {Line}.
> letters on the calc are used as variables.  Thus typing 'line' will
> the calc to multiply the letters l, i, n, and e.  When it encounters
> commas inside the paranthesis, it doesn't know what to do with them,
so it
> generates an error message.  Hope that helps a bit.
>         Thomas J. Hruska --
> Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow
