Re: TIB: Invalid instruction?
Re: TIB: Invalid instruction?
At 09:48 AM 5/6/99 EDT, you wrote:
>I have a TI-86 calculator - v 1.3. An instruction to erase lines is in the
>user manual.
>To enter a line, one might type: line(3,12,15,12)
>To erase a line, you're supposed to be able to put: line(3,12,15,12,0)
>((The zero is there to tell the calc to erase the line.))
>I cannot get this function to work. Could it be my calc, or is this feature
>only on a different version, maybe?
>Believe me, I typed it in correct to begin with (about a dozen times).
>I'd appreciate it if someone could shed some light on this.
I do believe you are doing what many people do...they type the letters
l-i-n-e instead of doing something like [2nd] -> [Draw] -> {Line}. The
letters on the calc are used as variables. Thus typing 'line' will tell
the calc to multiply the letters l, i, n, and e. When it encounters the
commas inside the paranthesis, it doesn't know what to do with them, so it
generates an error message. Hope that helps a bit.
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"