RE: TIB: Let's Create the Ultimate BASIC Chess


RE: TIB: Let's Create the Ultimate BASIC Chess

Actualy I don't have it on this computer.  It is on my old one.  It came w/
skii free (or something like that), and a couple other games.  I belive it
was originaly for Win 3.x, BUT
I do have somening else very simmilar.  Email and see
what the say.  Here is a coppy of the txt file:

Chess-it! is a freeware chess game.  The program supports multiple piece
sets, unlimited back/forward, complete list of moves, printing/saving
capabilities, computer/human players and more.

Copyright � 1998 Yoto Yotov
Chess-it! - Version 1.0 Freeware

This software is the property of Yoto Yotov and is copyrighted.  Any
reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Miles Raymond
> Sent: Monday, January 25, 1999 11:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: TIB: Let's Create the Ultimate BASIC Chess
> What Windows program?  I don't have it.  Can you please e-mail it to me.
> Does the source come with the program?
> -Miles Raymond      EML:
> ICQ: 13217756       IRC: Killer2        AIM: MRayMan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew <>
> To: <>
> Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 11:16 PM
> Subject: RE: TIB: Let's Create the Ultimate BASIC Program Everyone (I Mean
> Everyone)
> >I'm not sure about the leagalness (is that a word?) of this, but
> what about
> >taking a look at how that simple windows chess game, I am sure many of us
> >have, works.  It appears to just calculate moves and decide which one is
> the
> >best.
> >
> >Matthew
> *CLIP*
