Re: TIB: 89 : Assembly Basic (ev. please read)


Re: TIB: 89 : Assembly Basic (ev. please read)

In a message dated 2/15/99 6:18:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> >waitkey() would work like getkey() except that it would wait until a
>  keypress
>  >to continue
>  It's easy enough to have a getkey loop, ain't it?

yeah, but it does take time for it to go through the loop, and it would save a
little power and be more responsive

>  >If possible, a way to ignore the ON button interruption of a Basic program
>  >while it is in a Try...EndTry black, and to only treat it as a regular
>  error
>  >to update the variable errornum. (lnstead of saying "Break")
>  >--TurboSoft
>  You know, this kind of thing could be dangerous.  If the user had no real
>  way to exit a basic program, he would need to reset the calc to get out of
>  the program.

Actually, this already happens on the calc (when you put Request  inside a
Dialog box inside a try...endtry loop).  But, even still if you press ON
enough times then it will cause a break (usually at the Else command).  So if
the ON interruption was turned off while INSIDE of a Try...EndTry loop then if
you really wanted to you could escape out of the loop.

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