Re: TIB: 89 : Assembly Basic (ev. please read)


Re: TIB: 89 : Assembly Basic (ev. please read)

heres and idea, how about an asm viewer to test your ideas/ programs,
before you waste time sending over/testing the program, and having it
destroy the calc, and have to waste more time reinstalling the
programs you allready had on there! wrote:
> In a message dated 2/15/99 4:08:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > Well, me and my brother (CandyMan and Endive) are thinking about
> >  assembly tools for basic programmers.
> >  What do you think about this ?
> YESSSS!  please there need to be some assembly functions for Basic
> programmers.  l can think of four right now:
> getfolds()	would return a list format with all the folder names on
the calc
> (ex: {"main","games","school"})
> getprgm() would return a list format of all the variables in the
> folder OR getprgm(main) would, for example, return a list format of
all the
> variables in whatever folder is given as the argument (ex:
> {"doors","doorsos","hexlib","hufflib"})
> waitkey() would work like getkey() except that it would wait until a
> to continue
> busy(0) or busy(1) would turn on or off the busy indicator
> supertxt(3,4,"Hello",1) would print black on white small text to the
> screen at pixel coords 3,4 The number after "Hello",
> 1.	smalltext, black on white
> 2.	smalltext, white with black background
> 3.	regulartext, black on white (just like pxltext command)
> 4.	regulartext, white on black
> If possible, a way to ignore the ON button interruption of a Basic
> while it is in a Try...EndTry black, and to only treat it as a
regular error
> to update the variable errornum. (lnstead of saying "Break")
> --TurboSoft
> Visit the NEW TURBOSOFT HOMEPAGE:  The most current Basic programs
created by
> TurboSoft for the 89, and many links.
> <A
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