Re: TIB: 89 : Assembly Basic (ev. please read)
Re: TIB: 89 : Assembly Basic (ev. please read)
In a message dated 2/15/99 4:08:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Well, me and my brother (CandyMan and Endive) are thinking about
> assembly tools for basic programmers.
> What do you think about this ?
YESSSS! please there need to be some assembly functions for Basic
programmers. l can think of four right now:
getfolds() would return a list format with all the folder names on the calc
(ex: {"main","games","school"})
getprgm() would return a list format of all the variables in the current
folder OR getprgm(main) would, for example, return a list format of all the
variables in whatever folder is given as the argument (ex:
waitkey() would work like getkey() except that it would wait until a keypress
to continue
busy(0) or busy(1) would turn on or off the busy indicator
supertxt(3,4,"Hello",1) would print black on white small text to the graph
screen at pixel coords 3,4 The number after "Hello",
1. smalltext, black on white
2. smalltext, white with black background
3. regulartext, black on white (just like pxltext command)
4. regulartext, white on black
If possible, a way to ignore the ON button interruption of a Basic program
while it is in a Try...EndTry black, and to only treat it as a regular error
to update the variable errornum. (lnstead of saying "Break")
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