Re: TIB: 89 BASIC better than 86 ASM?


Re: TIB: 89 BASIC better than 86 ASM?

the 92+ has much much much better basic programming than the 85.  The
89 ought to be the same to the 86.

92+ programming is much less restricted than 85 programming.  same
should be true for the 89/86

---okteam <> wrote:
> I was just at and found they had put up screenshots of
the new 89
> programs.  I wanted to see what they were like, and was amazed at the
> quality of graphics etc.  It seemed to me that the programs (tanks,
> fantasy VII, down & out) were comparable to some 86 asm programs. 
Of course
> they are not of a Super Mario/Vertigo caliber, but they appear to
> many programs I have seen for the 86.  I am just wondering if the 89
is that
> much better than the 86, the games look better than they actually
are, or if
> programers just aren't exploiting the 86's capabilities?  Maybe it
is a
> combination of all three.  Just my thoughts.  
>             -Matt

The Garth Johnson

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