

> I have a Ti-85 calculator, and wanted to send files to my friends
> calculator, i checked and we both had rom version 10.0 and we had his
> calc to calc link, but it came up with an error message, we tried all
> kinds of stuff, what went wrong?

Is the link pushed in all the way?  Sometimes, with new calculators,
you have to push HARD.

> and when i entered a self test on his calc, i counted numbers, how
> high does it count?

Well, since I believe it counts in hl, once it reaches 65535, it will wrap
back to 0.

> also, i have not
> tried a self test on mine yet, because i have some important programs
> on there! I know what you are going to say, why not send the files to
> the computer, i have problems with that too, first, i built a link
> with my grandpa, who was an electrician, and that did not work! i
> tried to build a parrelle port link, same thing! and finally, i
> ordered the official link without the software, and downloaded the
> software, what went wrong? it still gave me the error #35 message!!!!!
> i am soo mad! please help!, do i need to ge device drivers? do i need
> a specific adapter for the 25 to 9 pin serial port?

So, in other words, you have NEVER gotten your linkport to work?
Send the calc back to TI.

> ( i have a FEMALE DB9 to Male DB25 ) since that was the only one at
> radio shack ( catalog number 26-209A )
> why is it still not working?
> does anyone else have this problem?
> thanks, and does anyone know how long a self test takes?

Here is a letter I sent to TI-Hardware minutes ago outlining the self
test on the TI-8x's:

> This is what the self-test does: First it does a hardware/port check.
> Then a ROM check (I think it just checks checksums).  These 
> are done instantly at the start of the test.  Next is the RAM test.
> You will see a number incrementing in the middle of the screen.
> Each time the number increments, the calculator has overwritten
> and checked the RAM once (excluding video memory).  It
> appears that ascending values (0-255) are written to each byte of
> RAM (0,1,2,...255,0...).  This test will theoretically go on forever
> (or until 65535 or something).  To end it, wait until 3 or 4 and then
> hit [ON].  The next is the screen/video memory test.  The
> calculator will write patterns to the screen and change the
> contrast and stuff.  Press [ENTER] to go through the test
> screens (of which I think there are 16).  You can skip this test
> by pressing [ON].  Last is the keyboard test.  11 will appear
> on the screen, prompting you to press key 11 (consult the
> chart in the programming section of your manual for key-#
> equivalents; for now it starts with [F1] and then in order by
> row).  It will prompt you to press every key excluding
> [ON].  Press [ON] to skip this test.  "OK" will be displayed
> in the center of the screen assuming the test was passed
> successfully.  If an error was located, the test would halt
> and the calculator would display the name of the failed
> device and then the word "FAIL" (I.E., "RAM FAIL").  To
> skip the entire test, press [ON] three times.