TIB: FW: FW: Poll for programs


TIB: FW: FW: Poll for programs

-----Original Message-----
From: "Raptor" [mailto:josh@brewich.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 1998 9:19 PM
To: Matthew
Subject: Re: FW: Poll for programs

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org [mailto:owner-ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org] On Behalf Of Mike Dawson
Sent: Friday, September 18, 1998 9:34 PM
To: ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org
Subject: TIB: Poll for programs
Hi, i am taking a poll, and will relase a graph and text upon my findings ( if possible ) well anyway, this poll is for the ti-85 only ( sorry :) ) please answere these and if possible, write why you feel the way you do. :


1: What do you look for in a program ( game, math, ect. )?

A. Graphics ; B. Fun Factor ; C. Size of game

2: What are your top 10 Ti-Basic Games ( if you have any) and why do you like each one, ( short descrption for each if possible )?

            1.Mechwar                        -Hell, my friend and I wrote it.            2.Pitfall                              -Interesting use of bounds.
            3.F1 Race                         -Without a car, anything at high speed in something with 4 wheels will do.
            4.Find-Me Pro                  -Keeps your mind boggled for a good long while.
            5.Slots                               -One word, "Calc-A-Reno."
            6.Lasers                            -Just interesting, don't get zapped.
            7.Killer Crayon                  -Windows 3.1 based game, still fun to play.
            8.Casse                             -Similar to Breakout.  Just better resolution and better speed.
            9.Morter Fire                    -Similar to Scorched Earth
            10.Nuke'em                      -Similar to Scorched Earth; buggy.

3: What is you favorite Assembly shell and why?

            ZShell 4.0!!!  Easy to use, doesn't crash, smells good.
4: What are your top 10 Asembly games and why ( same as the second question )
            1.Tetris1.1                            -Challenges spatial perception and thought processing.            2.Z-Pong v2.01                    -Sound.
            3.Super Breakout v5.0          -Boredom killer.
            4.Asteroids                            -Anyone played Atari?  Asteroids was an awesome game then, and its still awesome!
            5.Poker Central                    -Availability of several games at once.
            6. L.A. Driveby                    -Nutures violent streaks... need I say more?
            7.Chess                                -What else can you do for an hour with just yourself?
            8.Connect4                          -Makes you connect more than Tic-Tac-Toe.
            9.BattleShip                          -Classic.  Happy killing!
            10.PlainJump                        -Intersting 2/3-d game.  Takes advantage of perspectives.
5: What is the 1 thing you like about the ti-85
             -I'm only allowed 1?  Well, I like its resolution.  More pixels gives me a foot in the air while I draw.
6: What is the 1 thing you hate about the ti-85
            -Its incompatibility with other calcs.
7: If you could change 1 thing about the ti-85, what would you change?
            -Other than the batteries?  I'd change the processor to a faster speed and use new circuitry to decrease power consumption.
I am doing this poll for a couple of reasons, one is to let people know what percent of people think what, that is interesting to me, two, it is for people who do not know what are the best games out there. and get opinions from other people, and also, I wanted to ask that everyone who has a ti-85 to please answere even just a few of the questions. Thank you

~ Cassetti ~ 

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