TIB: Re: Proposal: To weed out useless and no good TI-BASIC programs on


TIB: Re: Proposal: To weed out useless and no good TI-BASIC programs on ticalc.org

I know I wouldn't be happy if I had programs on ticalc.org that were
deleted, but I think it would be in everyone's best interest for you to not
post some of the less useful/duplicate programs, especially the simple math
programs that all do the same thing.  You should keep program size in
consideration, however, when deciding which to keep...maybe one big but
really good one and one barebones program for those who don't have much
space available.

> From: Bryan Rabeler <brabeler@isd.ingham.k12.mi.us>
> To: ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org
> Subject: TIB: Proposal: To weed out useless and no good TI-BASIC programs
on ticalc.org
> Date: Sunday, May 31, 1998 2:20 PM
> I've been thinking about not accepting & archiving ALL basic programs on
> ticalc.org.  I hate having like 10 minesweepers for 82 basic or
> whatever.  Or 10 quadratic formula programs for 82 basic.  I think there
> should only be one or two good ones so that the user can quickly get a
> program and know its good, instead of having to weed through 10 of
> them.  So my proposal is to delete some of the not-very useful programs
> in order to prevent the archives from being diluted with worthless
> programs.  What do you all think?
> --
> Bryan Rabeler <brabeler@ticalc.org>
>    File Archives
>    the ticalc.org project - http://www.ticalc.org/
