TIB: Proposal: To weed out useless and no good TI-BASIC programs on tica


TIB: Proposal: To weed out useless and no good TI-BASIC programs on ticalc.org

I've been thinking about not accepting & archiving ALL basic programs on
ticalc.org.  I hate having like 10 minesweepers for 82 basic or
whatever.  Or 10 quadratic formula programs for 82 basic.  I think there
should only be one or two good ones so that the user can quickly get a
program and know its good, instead of having to weed through 10 of
them.  So my proposal is to delete some of the not-very useful programs
in order to prevent the archives from being diluted with worthless
programs.  What do you all think?

Bryan Rabeler <brabeler@ticalc.org>
   File Archives
   the ticalc.org project - http://www.ticalc.org/
