Re: TIB: "Weighting" Dice on TI-85


Re: TIB: "Weighting" Dice on TI-85

Will this formula do any good?  The probability of the number occuring  
increases as the number does.  In effect
p(1)<p(2)<p(3).... etc.

rand -> x
int(6 * x + ln(x + 1) + 1) -> roll

Simply put, the 6 specifies the number of sides, the rand is stored so I 
can have the same random number entered twice in the function.  
Comparing the function with the related formula

int(6 * x) + 1

will indicate that the function increases faster, but not enough to 
overtake 7.  Keep in mind that this will not work out so well in every 
case, but it could be corrected by multiplying or dividing the 
"weighted" portion of the function ln(x+1).

Let me know if this suits your needs.


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