Re: TIB: key sequence


Re: TIB: key sequence

>Tavis Segura wrote:
> [snip]
> > If you do figure it out, I read a post from someone who would like
> > to paste commands to the home screen with fewer keystrokes.
> What happens to a program that resets the calc...Yes, I thought so. > 
> ;-)

I do agree that such a program would be pointless, since once you calc 
is reset FOR REAL, you will no longer have your program.  Just imagine 
how hard it would be to test it! (-: (lefty smiley)

 "Does it work?"
 "I dunno... The calc keeps resettin'!"


Since I'm posting... Did any of you receive the program listing I posted 
to this mailing list?  I never saw it in the archives at, and 
I'm wondering if it had anything to do with the harddisk crash at their 

> -- 
>           Rene Kragh Pedersen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> man: Why did you get a divorce?
> man:: Too many arguments.

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