TIB: Weighted D&D Dice?
TIB: Weighted D&D Dice?
>Not an large amount of weight, just a very slight amount. Try rolling
>dice about 20 or 30 times. You'll normally get higher numbers a little
>often than lower numbers.
Then I'd say it's a question like backgammon: is the game *tuned* to the
weighted dice or to the hypothetical fair dice? In that case, using the
perfect electronic dice would be *more* correct.
>But then I don't understand, why should I get higher numbers more often
>than lower ones?
Once again, I don't know much about D&D dice, but if they're like
standard dice, they have little pips of plastic taken out of each side.
For example, with a standard die, the six should come up more often than
the one because the one side is heavier (less plastic removed) and should
fall to the bottom more often, leaving the lighter six face on the top.
That's why I use "Vegas" dice in backgammon, which have imbedded pips to
eliminate the weight problem.
³Chris Roddy ³"A tournament, a tournament, a tournament³
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