TIB: ROM Upgrades


TIB: ROM Upgrades

>TI said that it would keep all calc calls backwards compatiable to avoid
>very problem

Well, if the functionality is the same, then why even release a new ROM?
It seems pointless to me to promise that calls will be backwards
compatible when bugs could make the functionality different on different

>>>I'd just like to mention that an edit-lock is by no means foolproof.
>>>I can break any lock in 30 secs or so. Just thought I'd make sure
>>>you knew that.

Of course, the people who are stupid enough to need to steal a program
are least likely to know how to unlock one, eh?  Just a thought.

³Chris Roddy              ³"A tournament, a tournament, a tournament³
³tapeworm7337@juno.com    ³of lies. . . offer me solutions, offer me³
³chris.roddy@winserver.com³alternatives, and I decline!"       - REM³

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