Re: TIB: WP 1.0


Re: TIB: WP 1.0

Hey, can I get a copy of that? Also, could you try to include the apple
personal laserwriter and/or the color stylus 600 (Epson). Thanx.


>You might ask, "why would he TRY to do all of this in basic".  The anwser
>is, I am going against ASM to proove to some flaming freak that basic can
>do something...
>(Flaming freak - names changed to protect the guilty... :)  )
>I just got done codeing a word processor in basic for the 82/3/5/6/92 after
>I relized there was already one available for the 82/3!  Oh
>wouldn't have worked anyway because it stored things as pics...
>Text printing - Will print text from a string.  Use Equ>Str to print
>Text transfer - will pull a text document off of another calculator
>Graphic printing - will print a pic at either 1,2,4,or 8X
>Graphic transfer - will pull a graphic off of another calc
>Saving - of course you can save!
>Printer support:
>Apple ImageWriter I/II (most schools have them) [serial]
>-All graphics
>-Horizontal lines for header or footer
>-Bold/Italic/Super/Subscript/and more.  I won't wast more bandwidth... ;)
>DeskJet 870xi/si (some schools have them) [parallel]
>-Plain Text
>Star 1000NX (or some model like that) [parallel]
>-Plain Text
>IBM Proprinter XL (xl - extra large... :)  ) [parallel]
>-Plain Text
>Any parallel [parallel]
>-Plain Text
>Any serial [serial]
>-plain text
>Adobe is giving me the printer controll codes I will need to add support
>for anything other than 'plain text' on all serial/parallel printers.
>If you have a certian printer you would like supported ASAP!  Please tell me.
>NOTE:  The interface is done, just not tested with every single calc.
>Also, support for printers is in the software and not in the printerface.
>So if you switch to another type of printer, it will be totally compatible.
>I decided that most of you wouldn't have a need for internet on your calcs,
>so instead of delaying the interface, I'm going to leave it at printers
>only.  There will be a future interface, which has
>mouse,modem,ansync-serial <sp>,and bi-parallel.
>Thats enough.  Now, I want to see some feed back!
>Example printout: (my very first looked somewhat like this)
>HeLLO GRant:., I CAn PRInT@
>What it said at about 6:00PM that next day:
>Hello Grant:  I can print!
>So, it works fine now...
