TIB: WP 1.0


TIB: WP 1.0

You might ask, "why would he TRY to do all of this in basic".  The anwser
is, I am going against ASM to proove to some flaming freak that basic can
do something...
(Flaming freak - names changed to protect the guilty... :)  )
I just got done codeing a word processor in basic for the 82/3/5/6/92 after
I relized there was already one available for the 82/3!  Oh well...it
wouldn't have worked anyway because it stored things as pics...

Text printing - Will print text from a string.  Use Equ>Str to print equations.
Text transfer - will pull a text document off of another calculator
Graphic printing - will print a pic at either 1,2,4,or 8X
Graphic transfer - will pull a graphic off of another calc
Saving - of course you can save!

Printer support:

Apple ImageWriter I/II (most schools have them) [serial]
-All graphics
-Horizontal lines for header or footer
-Bold/Italic/Super/Subscript/and more.  I won't wast more bandwidth... ;)

DeskJet 870xi/si (some schools have them) [parallel]
-Plain Text

Star 1000NX (or some model like that) [parallel]
-Plain Text

IBM Proprinter XL (xl - extra large... :)  ) [parallel]
-Plain Text

Any parallel [parallel]
-Plain Text

Any serial [serial]
-plain text

Adobe is giving me the printer controll codes I will need to add support
for anything other than 'plain text' on all serial/parallel printers.

If you have a certian printer you would like supported ASAP!  Please tell me.

NOTE:  The interface is done, just not tested with every single calc.
Also, support for printers is in the software and not in the printerface.
So if you switch to another type of printer, it will be totally compatible.

I decided that most of you wouldn't have a need for internet on your calcs,
so instead of delaying the interface, I'm going to leave it at printers
only.  There will be a future interface, which has
mouse,modem,ansync-serial <sp>,and bi-parallel.

Thats enough.  Now, I want to see some feed back!


Example printout: (my very first one..it looked somewhat like this)

HeLLO GRant:., I CAn PRInT@

What it said at about 6:00PM that next day:

Hello Grant:  I can print!

So, it works fine now...
