Re: TIB: Back to TI-BASICs
Re: TIB: Back to TI-BASICs
Rene Kragh Pedersen wrote:
> Jody wrote:
> [...]
> > I didn't follow the function bit. What do use functions for? How does
> > the function work?
> A function is a restricted program designed to return a value.
> Square root is a good example of this. You call SQRT with an input, and
> it returns an output.
> The only user-interaction when using functions is the initial input and
> the final output.
> An excerpt from the manual, p. 303:
> Why Create a User-Defined Function?
> Functions (as well as programs) are ideal for repetitive calculations or
> tasks. You only need to write the function once. Then you can reuse it
> as many times as necessary. Functions, however, have some advantages
> over programs.
> - You can create functions that expand on the TI-92's built-in
> functions. You can use the new functions same as any other function.
> - Functions return values that can be graphed or entered in a table.
> Programs cannot.
> - You can use a function (but not a program) within an expression. For
> example: 3*func1(3) is valid, but not 3*prog1(3).
> - Because you pass parameters to a function, you can write generic
> functions that are not tied to specific variable names.
> [...]
> Differences Between Functions and Programs
> [...]
> - Can refer to any variable; however, it can store a value to a local
> variable only.
> [...]
> - Cannot call a program as a subroutine, but it can call another
> user-defined function.
> - Cannot define a program
> - Cannot define a global function, but it can define a local function.
> (End)
> I don't know if the 'define' command reffered to here is on the
> TI-8x's...
> It lets you define a program within your program, for example (p. 389):
> Define g(x,y)=2x-3y <ENTER>
> Done
> [You can then call the function 'g', for example like this:]
> g(1,2) <ENTER>
> -4
> --
> Rene Kragh Pedersen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> man: Why did you get a divorce?
> man:: Too many arguments.
If I understand that correctly, there is NO function command on the
82/83. Is this correct?
Jody Snider