Re: TIB: Back to TI-BASICs


Re: TIB: Back to TI-BASICs

> Make an encryption algorithm! I quickly got swallowed up in math when I
> tried to find the most efficient way of doing this (processing for
> example two lists of 100 elements each is faster than processing one
> list of 200 elements).
> With that finished, my next project became: Make a function that, given
> a list, shuffles it efficiently and returns the result, again, as a
> list.

Now THAT sounds interesting. Did you actually finish the encryption 
algorithm? I wrote about a dozen programs that all did various 
encryption and decryption stuff from back in the WWII days. Simple 
stuff like a Caesar shift, a Vigenere encryption and decryption (if 
you knew the keyword), a program that could give the highest probable 
shift of a Caesar shift (so long as there wasn't a keyword involved), 
a program that displayed digrams, one that displayed trigrams, a porta 
encipherment, a nihilst encipherment, a program that displayed a 
frequency graph in alphabetical order, another program that let you 
choose between looking at a chart that showed how many of each letter 
and what % each letter took up and a _decreasing_ letter frequency 
graph (it showed the most frequently used letter at the far left, 
followed by the next most frequent...), a program that used the graph 
screen to display the coded text and allowed the user to input what a 
given letter actually was in plain text above the coded text (all of 
those letters would then have the plain text above them), a program 
that used a sequence of dots on the graph screen to encode up to 217 
letters and store them (coded in two different ways) as a picture, and 
finally, a program to decode that picture. Whew! I'm out of breath! :) 
Well, I was getting so into it that I didn't stop to record them as a 
I finished, and I dropped my calc before I got any of them recorded. 

What did you mean by shuffling a list? Do you mean have a list of 52 
cards, and shuffle it?

Jody Snider

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