Re: TIB: Back to TI-BASICs


Re: TIB: Back to TI-BASICs

Larry G Currie wrote:
> PLEASE only 1 program unles it results in a significant size savings.
> You dobn't want to see what some of the 92 proggies do to your main
> directory.  Eghad I need uninstallShield 92.  If you need to use multiple
> programs like golf 1 2 and 3, have like golf1, gol2, golf3 or glfstart,
> glfdraw, glfaim, so you can delete it al at once.

People should call their programs somthing more innovative than golf1,
golf2, etc.
The program I'm currently working on (for the TI-92) uses a separate
folder. It checks if the necessary vars are there, if they aren't it
makes them.
To get rid of the program, delete the folder.
Alternatively, I could write an uninstall, it wouldn't be difficult and
it's a VERY good idea for those TI-8x programs.
I have some programs I want to delete from my TI-85, now which variables
go where...? :-/

          Rene Kragh Pedersen
man: Why did you get a divorce?
man:: Too many arguments.
