Re: TIB: Back to TI-BASICs
Re: TIB: Back to TI-BASICs
PLEASE only 1 program unles it results in a significant size savings.
You dobn't want to see what some of the 92 proggies do to your main
directory. Eghad I need uninstallShield 92. If you need to use multiple
programs like golf 1 2 and 3, have like golf1, gol2, golf3 or glfstart,
glfdraw, glfaim, so you can delete it al at once.
~Larry C (The derranged one) >:~}<><////////>
On Wed, 04 Feb 1998 16:24:01 PST "Tavis Segura" <>
>I would like to ask each of you about your personal style of writing
>programs. If you had a choice to do both, would you prefer writing
>everything in a single program, or have several programs for your
>subroutines? Which do you think game players would prefer?
>Which is more important, the program's size, its speed, how easy the
>program is to read, or how it affects the rest of the calc? I'd like
>your opinion about this and what you think makes for 'good' TI-BASIC
>Thank you for your time.
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