Re: TIB: Re: TI-ZINE Starting-be a writer!!
Re: TIB: Re: TI-ZINE Starting-be a writer!!
> You can't do true grayscale on any TI calc, you can only do _fake_ grayscale.
> Fake grayscale is controlling how fast you turn a pixel on and off, and
> depending on this rate, you get different shades.
Uhh... My TV does _Fake_ color, cause it has 3 separate colors and you just
think thay are one cause they are too far away to see individual pixels. A
_Real_ color TV would have a single pixel that lights varying colors depending
on the intensity of it's singnal, and not three colors "mixing" due to distance.
Note my _sarcasm_
Grayscale is grayscale, regardles of HOW it's done. Is a TV a FAKE color TV
cause it uses separate colors??? NO!!! Grayscale is grayscale! If it's a time
delay or a voltage based grayscale, who cares! IT WORKS! The great thing is we
actualy CREATED GRAYSCALE on a device that was NEVER DESIGNED to do grayscale!
It's quite an amazing thing realy! We've pulled off so much! I don't think TI
ever though people would be playing DOOM clones in grayscale or listening to
music while playing PJ][!!! Did they ever think you could make a temp
sensorfor under $10 or have an RF link??? Did they ever plan on making it
possible to add an external Memory device??? NO!!! We figured out these
things. Grayscale is grayscale! If the calcs use _fake_ grayscale, then my TV
uses _fake_ color!
Richard Piotter
The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page: