TIB: Re: TI-ZINE Starting-be a writer!!


TIB: Re: TI-ZINE Starting-be a writer!!

{{Tell me - how do you do 8 shade grayscale in TI-BASIC?}}

{{Well, I would think, use 8 pictures and display them over and over 
back-to-back. Like greyscale on the TI-82/83 with 4 or 6 pictures now.

wrong, actually it uses 1 picture for the beginning (right now it does 
only 16x16 sprites only, but i can easily upgrade it--i just had to see 
if it worked) and another picture for the greyscaling.  the greyscaled 
picture is split into 8 sectors (all 12x12 blocks with a different type 
of shade--each with a variance to the next frame, this is ANDed with the 
beginning picture to obtain the "blitter").  anyhow, i've gotten 2 
people to order the patterns from lightest to darkest, so they are in 
sequence.  so in all, after running the program, you'll end up with 12 
pictures that are LOCALized and run in a loop until a key is pressed.

{{I posted a si[m]ilar BASIC Grayscale program for the TI-92 about a 
month ago. it allows you to choose the number of shades and allows you 
to type in a file name to get the pics, meaning one prog does all gray 
or B/W pics, any size, any bit depth!}}

i've never seen the program.  the bit depth becomes faded and way off 
scale the more you use, meaning that you would have to create your OWN 
patterns, but my program creates their own patterns to shade it.  you 
just draw a picture on which you want shade 1 to be, shade 2 to be, etc.

{{Use the cyclepic command to flip through the pics like a flip book. 
The pics are several B/W pics. The first pic shown only holds the Black 
dots. then the next pic holds the dark gray and blac, and the next 
medium gray, dark gray, and black, and so on. You get the idea.}}

actually the cyclepic command has to be stopped with the ON-key or you 
would have bits and pieces of crap here and there.  there's so much crap 
that goes on with cyclepic, for example you can't place the picture 
where you want it on the screen.  if you change your greyscale down to 4 
and use the same cyclepic time variable, the fading becomes offset and 
it looks stupid.

more later if needed.

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