Re: TIB: Link routines
Re: TIB: Link routines
> Well, if you must know, I'm working on a two player version of
> Battleship (all my origonal code, not taken from first Battleship
> prog.). The prob I'm ahving is that the recieving calc is timing out
> (input "CBLGET") while waiting to receive the matrix from the other
> calc. Any suggestions?
In order to recieve a variable, the calculator with the variable must be
executing Pause, Input(, InptStr(, Prompt, Menu(, PrtScrn, or Trace
when CBLGET is called on the one needing the variable. In the battle-
ship I wrote a long time ago, you had to press enter twice to shoot
(one to select, one to send the selection). It's annoying but doable.